With Valentine’s Day on the horizon I suddenly felt a craving for books with red covers, so I decided to go looking for red covered books publishing in early 2022 (Did I almost accidentally write the year that shall not be written? Yes, but I caught it and finished with a ‘2’!). How exactly is publishing using the color red? I found ten red cover books to take a look at in various genres. I’m always fascinated by the colors of covers and how people react to them — I just looked back at The Best Book Covers of 2021 to see how many had red, or what other color patterns I could see. With my small sample of 2022 books with red covers it looks like the color is easily used throughout genres and categories, but gets mostly used as a bold background or frame. Cover designed by Kirin Diemont Cover design by Erick Dávila Cover design by Shreya GuptaCover images ©ferrantraite via Getty images; ©ArpornSeemaroj/ Shutterstock.com Cover design by Lauren Peters-Collaer Cover design by Lauren Tamaki Cover design by Hattie Windley Cover designed by Ervin Serrano I apologize for the books that I did not list the person(s) responsible for creating the covers. Publishing does not always make it easy to find this information and I was not always successful in my searches.

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